Our world is on life support: there is Climate chaos and species are going extinct at an unprecedented rate. We are not yet headed towards a more habitable, just future. Instead the Canadian government, banks and industry continue to focus on fossil fuel development and resource extraction.
At 350Kingston we want to take local actions that drive us closer to sustainability while addressing social justice. With our many skills, passions and grassroots power we can confront the crisis with urgency and courage, moving toward our vision of a better world.
If you’d like to help, subscribe to our mailing list (see sign up section at the bottom of the page), volunteer, or come on out to a meeting or protest. Join the movement!
50 by 2030 Kingston
350 Kingston is joining other communities in trying to persuade our Council to adopt the science based target of reducing our community wide GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions by at least 50% by 2030.