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Fridays for Future / 50 by 2030 Kingston Launch & Protest

This climate rally had some powerful speeches:

    • Dr Kyla Tienhara (Canada Research Chair in Economy and Environment) talked about climate reparations and justice.  The current situation in Pakistan with flooding is a case where the rich countries need to provide assistance to those suffering the consequences of climate change to which they contributed very little. 
    • Dr. Henry Swoboda (CAPE  – Canadian Associationof Physicians for the Environment) talked about the link between climate change disease and health.
    • Dr. Jeremy Milloy (Lead, Integrity of Creation and Climate Change at Sisters of Providence) talked about the links between climate change and social justice.  (See Just Recovery Kingston for more information).
    • Gavin Hutchison (Founding member of 350 Kingston) announced the official launch of – an umbrella group asking the City of Kingston to increase its ambition in curbing Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHGs) beyond the current goal of 30%  to a 50% reduction by 2030 in keeping with the science.
    • Stephanie Sherman (a Queen’s U undergraduate student) spoke on behalf Kingston Youth Climate Action about the upcoming municipal election:  its importance and how to register and vote.
    • Municipal Candidates who were in support of the 50% GHG reduction goal spoke briefly:

Annette Burfoot –  Williamsville
Joel Thompson  – Collins-Bayridge
Ivan Stoiljkovic  – Mayor
Ian Clark  – Williamsville
Rob Matheson  – Trillium
Colleen Murphy  – Portsmouth
Oren Nimelman – Portsmouth
Jacqui Collier –  Loyalist-Cataraqui

These candidates have pledged but were unable to attend;

Peter StroudSydenham
Jacob Wynperle  – Meadowbrook-Strathcona
Lindsay Duggan
  – Pittsburgh
Paul Chaves  – Loyalist-Cataraqui
Zachary Typhair  – Portsmouth
Wendy Stephen – Lakeside
Brandon Tozzo – Kingston Rideau
Tina Fraser – Mayor
Conny Glenn –  Sydenham
Jimmy Hassan -Trillium
Lisa Osanic  – Collinsbay-Bayridge