2025 Climate Change Symposium
This year's symposium had the 350 Kingston table in "Pole Position", interesting speakers and a thoughtful panel discussion.
This year's symposium had the 350 Kingston table in "Pole Position", interesting speakers and a thoughtful panel discussion.
Belated recognition of this significant award! Click on this logo to read more...
Chris Gusen Aric McBay Dr. Christine Sypnowich Dr. Kyla Tienhaara Panel Discussion
Quiz, discussions, gaining knowledge!
Jerri Jerreat receiving her award for Youth Imagine the Future 2024-09-18
St. Pierre boys sitting at the. Photos by Niki Ollin Drum with Yessica Rivera Belsham. Photos by Niki Kaloudas. Neighborhood kids doing their part Erika was the lucky winner of the Earth Day door prize painting “Connected to Mother Earth” by local Indigenous artist Mance Granberg Wintergreen studios table Photos: Kim McCaugherty “Grandmother Kathy Brant“ and…
We have moved our weekly "sidewalk education" protests to the corner of Barrie and Princess Streets. Fridays, 11:30 to 12:30. Photos by Niki Kaloudas
Photos by Pamela Cornell